Sunday, November 22, 2009


The rules or laws, that are currently on marijuana make it illegal to possess any amount of marijuana unless you have a medical marijuana license.  As mentioned, the laws governing the use of marijuana are bed rules for the American people.  The laws infringe on civil liberties of citizens who use marijuana in recreation without negative effects on others.  However the goal of this rule is to keep people from using marijuana at all.  In effect these rules may actually want to make people use marijuana even more, as some find it a thrill to break the laws.  even without this factor, the laws are not good deterrents to keep people from using marijuana.  The rules can be improved by being reformed.  Thus allowing people to use marijuana recreationaly in a home environment or where it is deemed socially acceptable.  The substance can be regulated, like alcohol, by a Government agency which will maintain order in keeping the substance within a new rules system. 

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